Thursday 20 June 2013

Analysis of 4 scripts

Radio Script
Style: The style and layout of a radio script is dissimilar in comparison to a master script. The radio script is quite similar to what you would read when performing a play. To the left of the page are the characters names whilst in the middle is the dialogue. Additionally, wherever there is a sound effect, there is a line throughout the page with the description of the following sound.

Content: The content of the script contains only dialogue and sound effects. The obvious purpose for this is because it is a radio script, therefore there is no need for gestures or other visual aspects that may need to be pointed out in a different type of script. Despite being unlike a master script when the sound effects are shown, the noise is actually written next to it.

Narrative Structure: This script has a linear narrative structure with no legitimate ending. This is because the issue raised between the two characters is not officially resolved, so it left open to interpretation and the audience don't get to find out what happens. However, by having a short, linear narrative it makes it simpler for the reader to grasp. Whereas something too complex may confuse them due to only being able to listen to it, therefore not having their full attention.

Genre: The scripts theme represents the genre of drama. This is because of Dave who is accused of having an affair on Sarah. As the audience we are not aware who is actually telling the truth between both characters. Therefore, this creates a dramatic atmosphere in the script.
Target Audience: This script is aimed at both Male and Female adults. Mainly, couples aged between 20-40. This is influenced by the stereotypical situation of a man and woman going out for the night and returning home to a suspicious partner.  Couples would be the main target audience under the 20-38 age group as this scenario may be something relatable to them or they may be able to be in touch with the characters emotions more.

Style: This style of script quite brief and different to other scripts. It is divided into a audio and a video section. Each time it is cut, the section is underlined to signify moving on to the next section. Also, it doesn't include EXT or INT within the script, which differentiates to your typical Master or shooting script. It is non fictional and there is no character names, instead there are roles. For example; Videographer and Reporter. The way in which it is presented is formal as the format is equally laid out contains formal language.
Content: The video aspect of the script is very brief and basic. It explains what will be happening on the camera at that point. The script that people will be acting out within the video are also shown within the script. Although, gestures and details of the location of the shooting are not. In a master or shooting script, it will read 'EXT - Shop, Busy day', for example. On the other hand, this script does not contain any details of where the shooting will take place or what it looks like.
Narrative Structure: This is very different to other fictional scripts when it comes to narrative, as it is a news scripts. Which means it needs to be all fact and formal. Rather than telling us a story, a news script documents the story that is explaining and informing.
Genre: For this script, the genre is non-fiction as is based on true events and day to day life happenings. In this case, the script seems to be based on the effect of legalized gambling in the following area.
Target Audience: It is predominantly aimed at the people in which the event occurred and explained may effect. Also any other members of society who generally enjoy watching the news would also be included as prime audience.  Additionally, there is no specific gender or age that this type of script may be aimed at. If it was to be categorised into any age group, it would possibly be mainly targeted at the older generation, than any other.

Style: This script is quite similar to a master script. The layout of effects such as; 'FADE IN/OUT' are positioned like on a master script, as well as the layout of the description of the characters. Likewise, characters are introduced using capital letters and the name of the film at the top/centre of the script. Another aspect similar to a master  script is the positioning of dialogue and what the character is saying.
Content: This script includes a lot of slug lines and abbreviations such as; INT/EXT shots. Also directions such as FADE IN/OUT.  Characters stage directions and actions are also shown within the script as well as descriptive text which describes the atmosphere and descriptions of the scene and characters. The script also resembles different scenes by using CUTTO, which is also used in master scripts.
Narrative Structure: The narrative for this script is linear and creates more interest for the audience by using detailed descriptions. The innocently illustrated Marian, and the more evil type biker, 'Faded jeans, black cowboy and leather vest.'' we can imagine from reading that, a stereotypical tough biker who the audience may fear. This is one of the many examples of how the script uses words and descriptions to produce an effective experience for the audience.
Genre: The genre of this script is Thriller/Crime. As there is a theme of the biker gang who drug deal according to the disciple prospect and Marian being followed. The script is foreshadowed by dramatic and a very tense atmosphere. Which provides a thrill for the audience, as well as the characters being involved in criminal offenses, creates an element of crime.
Target audience: This script is mainly focused at young adults between 20-30 years old. As they are mature enough to understand the content and explicit themes expressed in the script. The script is not like your typical action script. Which means it requires more of a patient audience as the film gradually takes it time to build up. Instead of youthful people who would get impatient and want to the film to get the point straight away.

Style: The style of this script is somewhat similar to the previous news report script. Although the layout is quite different. A more informal layout shows the exact timing of which the audio and video will be played by splitting the timing, audio and video into three different columns. The column for timing helps to create a more accurate script including title and page number section at the top. To help create more space for the audio and video text abbreviations are also used.
Content: The content of this script is very different to a typical master script due to the different layout and column like features. There are more details of what the interviewees will say and do rather than just stage directions and what the atmosphere intended. The content of the script is down to just words and timing. There is no description of the place where it will be held or a list of the people that will be participating in the script.
Narrative Structure: For this script there is no real narrative as it is non fictional. In contrast to the other similar script instead of one person documenting an event,  there are also other people discussing as a group and asking questions about the event.
Genre: The genre of this script is a non fictional documentary. The reason is because  the information is being transferred to the audience rather than told through a story full of fictional characters etc.
Target Audience: This script is aimed at young people in the age range of 11-17 years old. This can be identified by the people in the script mentioning trying to get people from early ages such as 11, to drive safely.

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